**The Bus for Face-to-Face Summer School will depart from the covered bus loop at Chattahoochee at 7:38AM. Summer school at Northview High School begins at 8:30AM. Afternoon drop-off at CHS is approximately 12:50PM**
Summer School for Face-to-Face, Fulton Virtual, and Georgia Virtual Registration is open! Summer School is an opportunity for high school students to accelerate or recover credits during the summer. Face-to-face facilitation and at home virtual offerings exist. The summer sessions are condensed versions of content provided during the school year, and students must have their course requests approved by their counselor before being enrolled. Summer school registration does not require an online contract. All face-to-face and virtual students who are taking an EOC course must participate in EOC testing which will take place at the Summer School site.
- Face-to-Face Facilitation:
- Hosted at Northview High School, with transportation provided if needed (see info above).
- A subject area teacher serves as the facilitator for the course and the content is completed online. Face-to-face facilitation provides a designated time, location, and the technology needed for students to complete courses.
- All EOC courses (9th Lit, 11th Lit, Algebra 1, Geometry, Biology, Physical Science, US History, and Economics) plus Personal Fitness are available for students who have previously failed that specific course(s).
- For students who want to accelerate, the only courses available to take for the first time in the face-to-face setting are Economics and Personal Fitness.
- Students are only allowed to take ONE content area during Face-to-Face Summer School.
- Students who have previously failed a course (recovery) may take up to two credits at no cost, but for Face-to-Face Summer School it must be in the same content area - or a student could take one content area through Face-to-Face and do a different content area through Fulton Virtual School.
- Students who are taking a course for the first time (accelerating) will not be able to do so through Face-to-Face Summer School, unless it is Economics or Personal Fitness. Those are the only options for first-time courses in-person. The tuition is $225 per 0.5 credit ($180 per 0.5 credit for students approved for free/reduced lunch).
- Course dates are June 11th - July 13th. Personal Fitness will only meet June 11th – June 29th. All EOC testing occurs July 12th – 13th.
- School will be closed July 4th through July 6th for Independence Day.
- Late Registration: June 4th - 8th. Face-to-face students will be able to register in person at Northview HS during this window. Students will not be able to register for classes that are already full.
- For more information and to register for face-to-face courses, please visit: https://www.fultonschools.org/SummerSchool.
- Fulton Virtual:
- Available for recovery or acceleration
- All content is completed online at home
- Students who have previously failed that specific course(s) are eligible to take up to two credits at no cost.
- Students who are taking a course for the first time (accelerating) must pay tuition at the rate of $225 per 0.5 credit ($180 per 0.5 credit for students approved for free/reduced lunch).
- Course dates and times are June 4th – July 13th. EOC testing occurs July 12th – 13th at Northview High School. School will be closed July 4th for Independence Day.
- Deadline is June 1st and Late Registration is June 4th - 8th. After June 1st, Students will not be able to register for classes that are already full.
- There are strict completion benchmarks for online summer courses. If a student is not making adequate progress they will be dropped from the course with no refund:
- 33% complete by 6/15 at 11:59PM
- 50% complete by 6/22 at 11:59PM
- 67% complete by 6/29 at 11:59PM
- For more information and to register for Fulton Virtual courses, please visit: https://www.fultonschools.org/FultonVirtual
- GA Virtual:
- Available for recovery or acceleration
- All content is completed online at home
- Both students who have previously failed a course(s) and students who are taking a course for the first time (accelerating) must pay tuition at the rate of $250 per 0.5 credit if choosing to go through GA Virtual.
- Course dates for the 6-week session are June 4th – July 12th and for the 5-week session are June 11th – July 12th. EOC testing occurs July 12th – 13th at Northview High School.
- For more information and to register for GA Virtual courses, please visit: http://www.gavirtualschool.org/
** We advise students to only attempt 0.5 or 1.0 credit of summer courses. **
- 1 semester long course (0.5 credit) requires about 3 hours of work a day
- 1 year long course (1.0 credit) requires about 6 hours of work a day
- Expect 6 to 9 hours of work a day if your student enrolls in an accelerated math course
Please also note that for high school students there are specific promotion requirements which are based on the number of credits a student has earned. You can check your student's transcript on Home Access Center on the "Grades" tab, then click on "Transcript." You will need to add up all the credits earned each semester to get the total number of credits earned. Promotion requirements for each grade level are below. If your student falls short on credits, then please know they will not be promoted to the next grade level and they will be assigned to the previous grade level homeroom.
- Students must have at least 5 credits by the end of July in order to be promoted to 10th Grade
- Students must have at least 11 credits by the end of July in order to be promoted to 11th Grade
- Students must have at least 17 credits by the end of July in order to be promoted to 12th Grade
Once a student registers for Summer School, it will come to a CHS counselor for approval.