Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Suicide Awareness Month

September is Suicide Awareness & Prevention Month.  

Chattahoochee High School recognizes the importance that mental health plays in lives of our students.  We want students to know that they matter!  During the month of September the Counseling Office is promoting activities that provide students and parents with the skills and resources they need to break the culture of silence and encourage "help-seeking" behaviors.  The awareness generated this month has the potential to have an enormous impact in our school community, even the chance to save a life.

We are doing this through several ways.  A calendar of events is below, which includes fundraising efforts, resource distribution, and educational workshops for students and parents.  We will also be publishing a series of blogs that discuss Suicide Warning Signs and community resources that are designed to assist students in crisis. This is a topic that is often difficult to discuss, but we want to shine a light on ways to prevent suicide in our community. 

Quick Fact: Suicide is one of the leading causes of PREVENTABLE deaths and that FOUR out of FIVE teens who attempt suicide give clear warning signs. This means that 80% of the time, we have the opportunity to intervene and possibly save a young person who is at-risk.

Please follow us on Twitter @HoochCounselors as we will be posting facts and resources regarding suicide prevention.   

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